December 23, 2012

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

What a shame from my side to competely step out from blogging for SO long. I can only appologize and add to my new year's resolution: KEEP blogging. Hope to keep up to this promise.

It was wonderful to see at blog's I follow things are goiing well. As usual I found tons of fashion, cooking and design inspiration. Still need to go through a few...

Our little family is warming up for Christmas at full speed. Here are a few snapshots of the recent "hygge".

Home-made candy, in Danish "konfekt" is a top popular thing on to-do list in December. Triangles are made from the recepy by Mette Blomstenberg, mega-talented lady behind "Det søde liv" program.

Christmas is almost thereand by the way, we have it double since Greek-catholic one in January is also celebrated :)))))))))))))))))))))

Always yours,